Anaesthesia and associated specialties such as Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Management have a fascinating history.
Although history does not currently appear in the exam syllabus for the FRCA, FFICM or FFPMRCA examinations, an understanding of history provides trainees with a much broader understanding of key concepts and can improve performance in professional examinations.
History provides a unique opportunity for trainees to undertake research and present their findings at national and international scientific meetings. In addition there are a number of generous prizes and fellowships available to trainees, a selection of which are outlined below with links for further information.
Meetings of the History of Anaesthesia Society are always very interesting and papers from trainees are both welcome and well received. Furthermore, trainees that have papers accepted for presentation receive free meeting registration, a free place at the annual dinner and one year's free membership of the Society. In addition to presenting their paper orally at the meeting, it will be published in the Proceedings of the History of Anaesthesia Society. We look forward to meeting you soon!
The next HAS Meeting will be on Wednesday 25th June (all day) and Thursday 26th June(morning) at the National Museum of the Royal Navy, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. Dr Peter Featherstone ( is organising the meeting.
The call for abstracts is currently open, and if you would like to present at the conference, the information can be found here.
Registration is free to resident doctors and medical students whether presenting a paper or not. The registration form can be found here. Presentations from resident doctors are particularly welcome. As an encouragement to submit an abstract, all resident doctors who are shortlisted to present a paper will a receive a free place at the Conference dinner, and be reimbursed the cost of the accommodation that they book (to a maximum of £150).
The History of Anaesthesia Society is happy to provide mentors to help trainees with historical projects. If you have an idea/project and want advice, e-mail a description of this to: Dr McKenzie will then select the most appropriate mentor, who will get in touch with you.
Note that the mentors cannot do the work and write the manuscript. They will give advice on the viability of the project, where to find relevant literature, other relevant aspects to consider, guidance on writing and where best to submit a particular paper.